zFish Fry Fundraiser

zFish Fry Fundraiser

Hey @everyone ! Thanks for jumping in with us! What is this thing we're doing? You know us, Henkelina Mick , Mike Bridgeman and Shannyn Kelly Dalby and that we're all in the film/tv/theatre industry.

We joined forces last fall, and with our combined industry know-how,.contacts, (and a little delulu) have decided to build our own Production Team and produce OUR own work. Our first film is in pre-production currently, amd we're going to need help - everything from sourcing locations, to catering, to things we don't even know we need yet. Of course, over the next little while we will be accepting donations, currently you can etransfer to our email, henmiksha@gmail.com, and we will be posting our other pillars of support soon. And YES there's lot's of cool things for you.. everything from the usual swag all the way to PRODUCING CREDITS and getting your name up on screen! More info coming soon!

It's a sad industry fact that we "age out" ....but not here.


Come support Canadian Filmmaking at our Fish Fry Fundraiser! Yummy food, surprise entertainment, special draws AND the chance to be a part of the film making process, brough to you by HENMIKSHA Productions.

General Admission.



All tickets are $35.00 and include all taxes and ticket fees.

Price includes fish and chips, or chicken and chips, coleslaw and a soft drink.

No exchanges or refunds once tickets have been purchased.

Venue: Golden Fish and Chips